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Mai 68 Records

Indie label Mai 68's logo

We love new music here at Applestump so when we came across Mai 68 Records we had to tell you about them! 


Mai 68 Records are an indie label based in Chester. Set up by 3 friends in 2017, the label's ethos has always been to release records by artists they liked, make the best possible product they could afford, give the artists complete creative control and share any profits equally. Sounds great right? In the tradition of labels like Factory and Sarah, they set out to work in the interests of their artists and release records on their one terms.


In the words of Si Jones, one of the founders of Mai 68, "we are a tiny label, run part time by a bunch of music fanatics old enough to know better". We can definitely relate to that! 


We not only love their ethos but we love the variety of the artists they represent, from the chilled out shoe gaze sound of Sunstack Jones to the "pastoral dream pop hip hop" of Ennio The Little Brother this is a label full of surprises. Don't just take our word for it though, check out their releases below.

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