Kate Tempest's 2014 album 'Everybody Down' earned her a Mercury nomination, and that is just one accomplishment notched up by this serial high-achiever. Performing live at the age of 16 saw her securing gigs opening for John Cooper Clarke and Billy Bragg among others.
Add a Ted Hughes award for her writing and a nod from the Poetry Society, and it all becomes pretty impressive. 'Let them Eat Chaos' is a long poem, written for performance.
Kae Tempest - Let Them Eat Chaos
SKU: 00602557128277
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1. Picture A Vacuum
2. Lionmouth Door Knocker
3. Ketamine For Breakfast
4. Europe Is Lost
5. We Die
6. Whoops
7. Brews
8. Don't Fall In
9. Pictures On A Screen
10. Perfect Coffee
11. Grubby
12. Breaks
13. Tunnel Vision